- 02.07.2013 - 16:29
Here we go! Let's discuss the weather, to begin with...
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- 19.07.2013 - 13:58
77-Indira_Gandi >обычная форма страдательного залога. Люди, кажись 2013 уже стал владельцем форума (или этой темы))))))- грубит и одергивает всех подряд. Может открывать ДРУГУЮ тему, будем отвечать на ВСЕ вопросы, у кого они есть. А отседова))) я пошла- накрен надо выслушивать грубости. Ганди, открывайте тему- будем "бесплатно"(О, ужас)) отвечать вам. | |
- 19.07.2013 - 15:01
| As always the topic starter is a sinner and the rest are white and fluffy. I have opened this topic for speaking English and I kindly ask the participants in my own topic to stick to certain rules. It is quite normal, you know.If you have another intention to stay here (like trolling or humiliating) - that is perfectly clear but unaccaptable. If you wish to dictate your rules - you are free to launch another parallel topic and enjoy yourself there comfortably without me-)I peronally do not offend anybody. I simply require respectful attitude. Writing in Russian I deem disrespectful, for that is done deliberately in order to ruin the atmosphere I try to create. | |
- 19.07.2013 - 15:05
personally - not "peronally". Just to make it even more clear. The PC I am writing at, right now, is not mine and the keyboard is sort of old and stuff you know.-) Cheers for now! | |
- 19.07.2013 - 15:18
Ладно, хотя я уже "ушла"))) Первой в этой теме по-русски написала модератор этой ветки-раз,два- это русско-язычный форум. Три- it's a free country, isn't it? Теперь аминь)))))))))) | |
- 19.07.2013 - 17:06
Is it a free country? free from who or what, I wonder. As far as I am concerned there's no such a thing as a free country. Like one clever person said: "Living in a society one can not be fully free". Moreover, yes, it is a Russian forum but this topic does not contradict with the idea of the "Linguistics" section of it. We practice a foreign language here - it is the only way to do it. If it is not appropriate then, well, all topics with foreign words must be erased. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing as a qenuine Russian anymore. We all use foreign words whether we want it or not. And one more issue: why do you thing that the creator of this room is a female? Anyways, good luck to you in searching for a perfect chatroom. As for me - I am perfectly alright here. All people who can and wish to speak English - are welcome. Let's discuss something neutral avoiding the personal matters. That is the key to harmony and peace.-) | |
- 19.07.2013 - 17:09
| correction: why do you thing that the creator of this room is a female?="why do you think that the creator of this room is a female?" | |
- 19.07.2013 - 17:16
Here's a brief list of possible topics for discussing: Films, books, countries, prominent people (celebs), rumours, news, new traffic regulations,accidents, philosophy, history, geography etc, except the political, religious, national and gender issues. That's my kind offer, of course. Please offer another topic you like, but within the aforesaid specification-) | |
- 19.07.2013 - 18:30
85-2013kuban >sorry- I am back hahaaaaaa Not "creator" but MODERATOR. Now we are talking! I mean " free country")))) No, I don't think there is ANY free countries at all. Ok, peace))))))))) | |
- 19.07.2013 - 20:41
| Poor peace is better than a good war-) | |
- 19.07.2013 - 21:06
| 89-2013kuban >exactly))))))) | |
- 20.07.2013 - 01:11
Hey, I've just watched this video and decided to share it with you guys-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KJns4mzBng It can be a topic for discussion too-) | |
- 20.07.2013 - 13:56
91-2013kuban >not sure why this guy shared money with these homeless. To me, it looks like he was just entertaining himself. What's the topic? Living in the street? | |
- 20.07.2013 - 15:33
| Yeah, he was having fun, of course, but at the same time he was helping the needy ones. I have never seen anything like that and found it cool to watch. If you wish we can discuss the issue of living without a home. This topic is ok. Do you see a lot of homeless people every day? | |
- 20.07.2013 - 22:28
93-2013kuban >I don't- live in the place you can't live without "home", but I saw them in Miami and Washington (!!!!) Not sure how they suvive but many of them on drugs. But this is what I saw on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_X0o9cAtGo | |
- 20.07.2013 - 22:46
94-Thank you very mush for that link of yours - it was quite informative and cool to watch. Now I've decided to watch a similar topic vid and if you wish to join - there you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-h8ruMKBog I like watching all sorts of vids on Y.T. and we might as well exchange different links, discussing what we 've seen. | |
- 20.07.2013 - 22:49
| "mush" LOL - that should've been "MUCH" of course-) My fast typing and poor sight work against me-) | |
- 21.07.2013 - 01:55
| 95-2013kuban >these are sort "fancy" vans (though I like them). We were talking of homeless life. | |
- 21.07.2013 - 10:39
| Yeah, sure, we talk about the homeless people, but that woman in your vid lives in one of those vans or such if I am not mistaken; maybe some budget version of it but still. There are people who have no roof at all... | |
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