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If you consider animals our friends; why do you eat them and use fur and leather?

0 - 09.08.2015 - 15:25
Let's analaze this paradox.

41 - 10.08.2015 - 16:36
What do you guys think about this inspiring vid? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkOFDLumqzU
It is only 3 min long.
42 - 10.08.2015 - 16:44
Сообщение от Ахулита Посмотреть сообщение
соу какая разница.
How sad to hear that. If everybody thinks this way -- we are doomed as a species...
What is everybody starts killing people? Will you do the same just because everbody else does it and according to your logic - why bother, who cares?
A human should do what is right, not what is wrong. Agreed?
Yes I use a car, but I do it very carefully, trying not to harm teh ecology. There is no need in developing the topic of me using the car and blah, blah, blah. It will be a demagogy, alright? I am not perfect but I do at least something in this world to make this world better. The question is - what do you do? I do not use false excuses to continue doing wrong things. I do my best to do even better. Every day. They question is - are you in or out?!
43 - 10.08.2015 - 16:52
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
blah, blah, blah
is what you do here, imho. Here are just you, me and 1-2 other people. Let's start the last war to save our planet. Ha-ha!
The humanity will die soon. в страшных муках. That's my opinion.
44 - 10.08.2015 - 17:11
It is not my fault that this forum is not so popular and only a few butts are rubbing around here. I am not doing my best to raise burning issues and discuss them. I work really hard "to break up the ice" of reluctance and indifference. No matter whether civilization dies or not -- our duty is to do our best to prevent the downfall. Only humans are capable of doing something about it. Sitting back and enjoying the "ride" won't be the right thing to do.
45 - 10.08.2015 - 17:13
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
I am not doing my best to raise burning issues and discuss them.
you know what I meant to say this without "NOT". Too many thoughts and too many distraction factors in place.
46 - 10.08.2015 - 17:15
You know THAT I meant to say without "NOT". LOL. My fuses are getting slightly overheated perhaps-)
47 - 10.08.2015 - 20:34
If some people suppose plants are our friends too, what we can eat in this case? Our own dung? Or die with hunger?
48 - 10.08.2015 - 20:39
47-drdrdr >water and sunlight :)
49 - 10.08.2015 - 21:01
Himmelherrgott! I can we be well-fed with water and sunlight? 8-(
50 - 10.08.2015 - 21:04
Сообщение от drdrdr Посмотреть сообщение
If some people suppose plants are our friends too, what we can eat in this case? Our own dung? Or die with hunger?
That is quite an interesting point, you know. But please, tell me; can you watch the slaughter of cows and pigs for several hours, hearing their screem, seeing their horror and agony, floods of their blood and still feeling fine as if it is a comedy? And conversely; can you watch the mowing of a lawn without any sorrow and the pangs of conscience?Do you equalize the value of a cow with that of a carrot (which does not have any blood,nerves, brain, memories, friends, emotions)?
51 - 10.08.2015 - 21:08
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
hearing their screem
- hearing their screams...
52 - 10.08.2015 - 21:10
50-2013kuban >my grandparents live in a village. Granddad still can't look at the hen which he must kill to eat. But he does it. And my granny does it. They eat their farm animals and birds.
53 - 10.08.2015 - 21:12

Seriously, how can you guys eat pigs?Aren't they cute?
54 - 10.08.2015 - 21:19
Сообщение от Ахулита Посмотреть сообщение
Granddad still can't look at the hen which he must kill to eat
You know,THIS is the Main part of your enrite message!Come to realize - he has killed so maky hens and he feels GUILTY because he sees their pain, horror, sufferings, blood. He knows that he is doing it wrong --killing the animal. It is a crime and unnatural to us as a scepiec to KILL. We are pure creatures not destined to KILL but to CARE and LOVE. WE do love. We have this emotion. I know that some will say noy, hey, carnivores also love (their litter, cubs etc), and yes, I will agree - becaue all animals have feelings! They are like us. We must not kill our brothers. Carnivores also feel sorrow. They can cry too. But, their organism needs meat to survice, wheras ours DOESN'T. We can perfectly live and even thrive on the plant based diet. Do problems whatsoever. Nada. Zilch. But real carnivores do need meat. Why don't we just live and let live? Animals are not our food nor slaves, clothes, but out neighbours on this planet. Am I making myself clear?
55 - 10.08.2015 - 21:23
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
Am I making myself clear?
та я как бы с первого предложения вас поняла. Но я щитаю по-другому
56 - 10.08.2015 - 21:24
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
enrite message
-entire message
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
so maky
- so many
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
as a scepiec
-as a species
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
will say noy
-will say now
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
meat to survice,
meat to survive
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
Do problems whatsoever.
-no probs whatsoever
57 - 10.08.2015 - 21:28
Сообщение от Ахулита Посмотреть сообщение
Но я щитаю по-другому
You reckon that murder is good? Necessary, huh?
58 - 10.08.2015 - 21:31

What can you guys make of this table, huh?
59 - 10.08.2015 - 22:16
how about this?
60 - 10.08.2015 - 23:05
59-2013kuban >can't view it
61 - 10.08.2015 - 23:06
2013kuban , do you drive? I mean- do you have a car?
62 - 10.08.2015 - 23:16
Sorry about the unviewable pic. Forget it. :)
Yes, I drive, Shapi. Do you drive? Ok? Good. Case closed. Lol
63 - 10.08.2015 - 23:27
Do you enjoy this, huh? https://www.facebook.com/kris.reed.3...53507954115941
I think it is utterly gross.
64 - 10.08.2015 - 23:32
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
Do you enjoy this, huh?
this question sounds like YOU enjoy this :)
65 - 10.08.2015 - 23:34
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
https://www.facebook.com/kristen.mcd...31441943566583Sorry about the unviewable pic. Forget it. :)Yes, I drive, Shapi. Do you drive? Ok? Good. Case closed. Lol
So, you pollute the environment, though you can live without your car
66 - 10.08.2015 - 23:42
2013kuban , as for "case is closed"- it is hard to talk to you when you're using this tone. That's why I am barely ever in this thread. More civilized way of discussion would be appreciated .
67 - 10.08.2015 - 23:43
Сообщение от Ахулита Посмотреть сообщение
Цитата: Сообщение от 2013kuban Do you enjoy this, huh? this question sounds like YOU enjoy this :)
Nope. It was sarcasm.
68 - 10.08.2015 - 23:45
65-Шапокляк >мне уже в п.42 писали про машину :) она не вредит экологии и сделана, видимо, из дерева или камня :)
69 - 10.08.2015 - 23:47
Сообщение от Шапокляк Посмотреть сообщение
So, you pollute the environment, though you can live without your car
I can not live without my car. If I could - I would. I need it just the same as my legs. I don't want to discuss it. It can not be compared with your murders. Yes, the car pollutes the environment, but much less than one cow which most of you eat per year! You can live without eating a cow. I know you can. The choice is huge. But I need my car because the pace of life requires speedy of transportation otherwise I will not survive. I know what I am saying. Still, comparing a car with the harm being caused by meat eating is ridiculous, unheard of. Besides, in the future the cars will be powered by electricity so...
70 - 10.08.2015 - 23:52
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
the car pollutes the environment, but much less than one cow
oh! I know! Let's kill all the cows! They are too harmful to the environment!
71 - 10.08.2015 - 23:53
Сообщение от Ахулита Посмотреть сообщение
65-Шапокляк >мне уже в п.42 писали про машину :) она не вредит экологии и сделана, видимо, из дерева или камня :)
It is ridiculous. Pure trolling. Leads the talk to no positiveness, but sad, pathetic excuses for barbarism and cannibalism. All meat eater use such tricks to mislead and confuse in order to justify their crimes. Civilization can not exist without cars now. It is a means of survival in the modern world, whereas there is no excuse for killing and eating animals, same as killing and eating the people. It is unnecessary cruelty, insanity. Do not try to find faults in me. I'm not perfect, but I'm doing all I can to save the planet. What do you do? Nothing. You mock my attempts, and this is so infantile.
72 - 10.08.2015 - 23:56
Сообщение от Ахулита Посмотреть сообщение
65-Шапокляк >мне уже в п.42 писали про машину :) она не вредит экологии и сделана, видимо, из дерева или камня :)
Я пропустила))
73 - 10.08.2015 - 23:57
69-2013kuban >you sure can live without a car- just ride a bike
74 - 11.08.2015 - 00:00
71-2013kuban >be careful when you accuse the moderator with trolling
75 - 11.08.2015 - 00:03
Out of curiosity- what do you eat? Are you a vegetarian or a vegan?
Share you menu))
76 - 11.08.2015 - 00:06
74-Шапокляк >ничо ничо, я тут под прикрытием :)
77 - 11.08.2015 - 00:10
Сообщение от Шапокляк Посмотреть сообщение
69-2013kuban >you sure can live without a car- just ride a bike
I rode it. Many years ago. Please, don't tell me how to move about. I know that in my case I have only one option - the car. It is final. This debate about the car is closed. Do you mean to say that you cycle? And you do only that? Common, not in Russia. I don't want to end up as a road kill.
78 - 11.08.2015 - 00:11
76-Ахулита > Завидую вашему терпению участвовать в дискуссии ,когда оппоненты пишут в таком тоне. Я уже отвыкла, диким кажется.
Кейс у него клозед! Хахаааааааааааааа
79 - 11.08.2015 - 00:13
Сообщение от 2013kuban Посмотреть сообщение
Please, don't tell me how to move about. I know that in my case I have only one option - the car. It is final. This debate about the car is closed. Do you mean to say that you cycle? And you do only that? Common, not in Russia. I don't want to end up as a road kill.
Likewise you don't tell us what to eat.
I drive ( and eat meat! ))) Fish for today though but deeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaadddddddddd))))))))))
80 - 11.08.2015 - 00:14
Сообщение от Шапокляк Посмотреть сообщение
2013kuban Out of curiosity- what do you eat? Are you a vegetarian or a vegan? Share you menu))
I went vegan one year ago. Therefore I am thrilled to share my experience and motivate anybody to give it a shot. It is worth it. No drawbacks, only advantages. Except of course such pathetic debates which drain off much of my energy and time, but I consider it as an exercise for my grey cells and my input into the noble cause of saving the world.

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