- 18.12.2012 - 23:05
По выходным в центре города будут проводиться бесплатные занятия английским языком для начинающих. Уровни - beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate. За подробностями в личку или пишите на мыло - umkakuban@usa.com | |
- 17.10.2014 - 15:27
| а тут паст не надо ли? - надо для согласования времен, здесь согласен, ошибка | |
- 17.10.2014 - 15:28
| inspite of, it's very interesting for me now | |
- 17.10.2014 - 15:30
| по поводу письма, я просто сообщил о написании письма - одноразовое сообщение - простое действие. Написал письмо и точка. | |
Модератор 84
- 17.10.2014 - 15:36
| ну, неправда же :)) | |
- 17.10.2014 - 15:37
Поймите, я как автор сообщения не связываю его с предыдущим событием, в настоящем. А вот по поводу Вашего примера: I had written letter and she opened and read it recently. | |
- 17.10.2014 - 15:38
| 84-Ахулита > а это уже не от меня будет зависеть...:)Пока что я только написал, но ответа еще не получил... | |
- 17.10.2014 - 15:40
| опять забыл артикль :) I had written a letter (of course) | |
- 17.10.2014 - 15:41
| I forgot to set indefinite article again | |
Модератор 89
- 17.10.2014 - 15:49
85-Человече >не знаю, на какое вы там событие все намекаете, хм-хм... по мне - так написание письма и есть событие, о котором вы сообщаете в предложении. и его связь очевидна с настоящим (письмо лежит в ящике, оно написано). 88-Человече >а тут не забыли артикль? :)) | |
- 17.10.2014 - 16:04
89-Ахулита > Oh, my God - I forgot to set an indefinite article again. по поводу почтового ящика, он вообще не связан с событием о котором я намекаю, т.е что меня упомянула "виновница" этого спора в своем сообщении. You made your postbox, I have written a letter to you. Т.е ты создала только что, недавно почтовый ящик и я сразу по его адресу написал. Связанные события в настоящем совершенном | |
- 17.10.2014 - 16:05
| the error again - the Indefinite article of course | |
- 17.10.2014 - 16:09
| This point is: I only emailed her. That's all just simple action in the past. | |
- 17.10.2014 - 16:35
| Человече, имхо, артикль - это последняя вещь, на которой вам надо заморачиваться. У вас какие-то жуткие сочетания слов, типа set an article или make a postbox ( руками вы выпиливали свой почтовый ящик?) | |
- 17.10.2014 - 16:47
| yes, you are completely right, I made it by my hands. I inputed login; password and set security options in it just pressing the kees on a keeboard of my PC. | |
- 17.10.2014 - 17:02
| 94 - Человече> вы не понимаете ) тот почтовый ящик ( mailbox, если чо), о котором речь, вы создавали - created. Ну на крайняк set up ( настраивали). То, что вы написали , означает создание реального почтового ящика (такой коробочки, в которую кладут газеты) с помощью подручных инструментов. | |
- 17.10.2014 - 17:39
| Yeah, let it be - set up, but not create I suppose create is for creation, like God, artist, programmer etc. | |
- 17.10.2014 - 17:49
| 96 - Человече> погуглите. | |
- 17.10.2014 - 17:55
| +97> чем же так принципиально процесс создания, скажем, учетной записи в почтовом клиенте отличается от создания таблицы в бд, что для него нельзя применить слово create? Собсно, я вам пытаюсь сказать одно: обращайте внимание на то, какие слова вы используете и в каком окружении. | |
- 17.10.2014 - 20:05
| Ok, thanks, I see. | |
Модератор 100
- 19.10.2014 - 10:58
| 99-Человече >мне вот кажется,что примерно так будут выглядеть ваши "встречи" с такой же не очень продвинутой дамой: выдвинули задачу, ничего друг другу не доказали, пошли выяснять к спецам :)) какой смысл от этих встреч? | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:19
| Мы будем заниматься по учебному курсу, и практиковать изученное по нему, без всяких спецов. На этом уровне спецы еще не нужны. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:20
I'm looking for a partner to mutual study English. I'm going to practice English from 5 minutes to an hour every day early morning by skype. If you are interested in it too, please write me about it. My spoken English is worse than written, so I'm going to start learning elementary level using these courses: Longman: Cutting edge starter Cambridge: Essential grammar in use. Also a few movie and supplementary materials. Looking forward to hearing from you. You're welcome! LikeLike · | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:25
| спецы тоже разные бывают, я предпочитаю ориентироваться на зарубежные учебные центры, как на учебные курсы, так и на Online Internet. Спасибо здесь на форуме мне дали ссылку на engvid - и еще American English online. Вполне достаточно. на engvid - и tongue twisters; и как преподавателей несколько, чтобы слушать разные голоса и интонацию. So All will be OK | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:29
| К тому же это я для себя, а так для желающих у меня есть опытный преподаватель, который начинает работать со мной над проектом использования игровых технологий для обучения детей и взрослых. Он меня будет делать своим напарником, помощником по инф. технологиям при обучении детей и подростков Английскому в игровой форме. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:32
| Это мы с Вами тут выясняли, потому, что это не правильный путь для меня - я не придерживался учебной программы и авторитета, а вышел с Вами на свободное общение без образца для подражания. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:34
That's all in Russian here. I should learn English hard. And I must think in English. | |
Модератор 107
- 19.10.2014 - 11:39
| вот игровые - одобрям-с :) можете на мне потом проэкспериментировать :) | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:45
| Ok, but only when I get my first certificate of English, or enough mark in Toefl | |
- 19.10.2014 - 11:54
At this moment, it'll be as supplementary practice which will be related with main course. I'm going to use secondlife.com and the SIMS 3(4) for virtual model of surrounding area to make spoken model for talking about new words and expressions from main course. But this is only the first step | |
- 19.10.2014 - 12:26
Every day I learn Rosetta Stone; Lim audio book - the Winners (detective story) and listen to engvid, and I'm going to study two English course, as I have noticed before, when I find the partner to study them together. Also, I try to watch a few very interesting and funny movies. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 12:27
| two English courses - it was in plural | |
- 19.10.2014 - 12:32
| grammar is important for me, but not more than possibility to think in English and talk in it without thinking about grammar and translation in Russian, and I see it start working very well, without your academic or edicational basis. I can speak English, and foreigners understand me. What is important for me now. I may work and communicate with native speaker. Yes My English is poor at this moment, but as I said before, I wokr hard to improve it, and I'll cope with this problem learning English step by step. You're welcome to learn English with me together. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 12:34
| Sorry, for this, but this is my last message this day. I have urgent work, and will busy all day long. See you tomorrow. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 12:35
| I have an unrgent work. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 12:35
| and will be busy | |
- 19.10.2014 - 13:21
I'm learning English at this moment. I have just finished a today's part from Rosetta Stone level 3 and Lim's audiobook. And now I try to use phrases and sentences from children's course book for school form 2 Vereschagina - the first year curriculum. - I'm not afarid of barking dogs. -just fancy, what are you afraid of then? I'm not afraid of anything. I'm brave. I want to swim as fishes do. Also I may ask native speaker foreigners about any question I have: for example, I have a question about using the verb have got: I have a room or I have got a room. Are native speakers use got or not? Let's ask them about it: Hello, Ms Purricane, Are you very busy now? Can you help me about my question if you English native speaker? [03:11] purr Foxclaw: I can try Sir [03:11] purr Foxclaw: what do you need help on [03:12] Rstan: At first tell me please, where you are from, then [03:12] purr Foxclaw: India [03:13] Rstan: Ok, but in this case you are not pure native speaker English, but though, you answer will be useful for me too [03:14] purr Foxclaw: I speak english fairly well Sir - if you want help with a native speaker [03:14] purr Foxclaw: i would suggest you try speaking with Mr Tristan [03:14] purr Foxclaw: Tristan Meriman [03:14] Rstan: My question is how the native speaker says - I have a room or I have got a room. I'm interested in using this word - got in this sentence. [03:15] purr Foxclaw: depends on the context - i have a room in an inn - would work. I have got a room for what would be the next question [03:17] Rstan: I study English course from Russian course book and there are only expressions with got there. I have got; Have you got a sister or a brother? etc. I'd like to know if it use in contemporary spoken English [03:19] purr Foxclaw: do you have a brother or a sister would work [03:19] purr Foxclaw: if you will excuse me please [03:19] purr Foxclaw: in the meantime [03:19] purr Foxclaw: i would suggest [03:19] purr Foxclaw: very much [03:19] purr Foxclaw: as i have to go in for a few [03:19] purr Foxclaw: if you would speak with Tristan [03:19] purr Foxclaw: Tristan Meriman [03:19] purr Foxclaw: he knows you want help [03:19] purr Foxclaw: so please feel freee to message him [03:20] purr Foxclaw: i will help you when i finish [03:20] purr Foxclaw: if he hasn't already helped you [03:20] Rstan: Thanks for your help, have a nice day! I'd like to role-play such dialogues wth my partner by skype after learning it. | |
- 19.10.2014 - 13:49
Hello, Mr. Tristan, how are you? Your friend recommend me to ask you [03:29] Tristan Meriman: Ah yes. Miss Purr. A delightful lady with first class ENglish [03:31] Rstan: Oh, you have already known about our talking. great, can you help me in my question? [03:31] Tristan Meriman: I shall endeavour to [03:33] Rstan: Where are you from Mr. Tristan, may I ask? [03:35] Tristan Meriman: Australia [03:39] Rstan: Great, I have a talk with Ms. Purr about it: [03:39] Rstan: I study English course from Russian course book and there are only expressions with got there. I have got; Have you got a sister or a brother? etc. I'd like to know if it use in contemporary spoken English [03:40] Tristan Meriman: it is widely used to conversational NElgish yes [03:40] Tristan Meriman: but usually incorrectly [03:40] Tristan Meriman: which doesn't mnatter all that much because it is conversational, informal [03:40] Rstan: Why should I use got instead - jus I have a room (for instance) [03:40] Tristan Meriman: yes I have a room [03:40] Tristan Meriman: is fine does not need got [03:41] Tristan Meriman: rukle of thumb with English, simple is best [03:41] Tristan Meriman: if you say I have got a room, the got is unnecessarty [03:41] Tristan Meriman: and sounds bad too [03:41] Rstan: so have you got - instead - do you have a... I don't want to study wrong using of English [03:42] Tristan Meriman: I would aways ask 'do you have a room?' [03:44] Rstan: Ok, thanks for your helping. May I know your specialty in RL? May be it's your professional skills to teach English [03:45] Tristan Meriman: Oh I have done many things including teach ENglish a long time ago. I spent mnany years in amrketing [03:46] Rstan: By the way, I'm entrepreneur in RL and dream to live in Australia or NZ in the future and now I'm interested in jointly business with foreigners from there, because I'm starting English learning center in Krasnodar, Russia [03:46] Tristan Meriman: I wish you goo dluck with that [03:47] Rstan: in amrketing - ? marketing [03:47] Rstan: thanks a lot for you help and wishes [03:47] Tristan Meriman: sorry my typing is poor [03:48] Tristan Meriman: you are welcome [03:48] Rstan: never mind, All Ok, I just to try understand if I understand the meaning of your word right | |
- 19.10.2014 - 14:01
| That's the truly real profit of using SL (secondlife) I may chat with foreigners about any question and from any country. | |
Модератор 119
- 19.10.2014 - 14:18
| 118-Человече >а вас интересует разговорный или литературный английский? :) вот попадете на такого английского "братана" -и научат вас плохому :)) или на ботаника,наоборот :)) и будет вам "отнюдь" или "ща, отвали" :)) | |
- 19.10.2014 - 14:24
| I have talk with different people and when I meet with them I know about their education; degree, specialty and current line of work, so people without degree and not enough intelligent don't interested for me. So, that's all for today. I like English very much, but unfortunately I have to do other things in my life now | |
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