- 28.04.2017 - 11:59
Would you please anyone of to correct my errors in this message: I suppose they should use on sale; bonuses, and long subscriber discounts. I have some payed subscriber for another courses and all of them only because there were on sale points. for instance 250 rubles per month, 600 rubles for 3 months, 800 rubles for 6 months, 900 rubles for 9 months and 1000 rubles for 1 year. And they may use lingo bonuses for discount payment to find its using for hardworking users. I think I will be better and more profit for everyone. I'm sure, they will have more subscribers in this case, one of them will be me too. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 12:05
| I mean: Would you please anyone to correct (without the preposition of) But please write me only in English, I don't want to see Russian letters, phrases and sentences in Russian. I learn English, without using Russian language at all. My level knowing of English is enough to understand all English grammar in English. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 12:08
It's very important to me use English in any case to get fluent and confident using it. I study English hard every day - step by step, practice makes perfect. And I'm sure, I'll cope with it and will be able to speak and write correctly, fluently and easy in everyday situations of my life.
Отредактировано Человече; 28.04.2017 в 12:10. Причина: to correct misprints or errors | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 12:46
| I think it will be so nice for everyone to give me a hand. | | |
Модератор 4
- 28.04.2017 - 13:53
| a tak można? | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 13:56
Russian letters in Russian. I suppose, there is many Russian here. I don't want to see Russian letters,phrases and sentences at all here. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 13:57
new message in my real life routine: I'm your older permanent user, and I used to get 70% voucher discount from you several years ago. I'm ready to buy your 1 year Premium subscriber now, if you get me 70% discount again in your birthday day. let's get anniversary together. I'm from Russia, and 50% discount subscription is not enough for me, because the yearly course is still expensive for me too. | | |
Модератор 7
- 28.04.2017 - 14:07
to było w języku polskim :) 6-Человече >you are greedy :) | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 14:13
| I'm just a businessman and can count my money. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 14:19
I really learn English hard. I'm not working now, to study English hard for 8-12 hours for every day. I bought some English courses like: All levels from PuzzleEnglish; Learnathome; Rosetta Stone; Duolingo; ABA English and bought Cambridge Face to Face - learning course as basic for my studying program. And I'm going to buy Busuu subscription too if they get the discount to me. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 14:43
| 7-Ахулита > greedy - это "алчный" | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 14:49
| If you describe someone as greedy, you mean that they want to have more of something such as food or money than is necessary or fair. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 14:50
| А меня не пустили на этот Бусуу, сказали, что я уже знаю английский, на русский пустили ахахахаааааааа | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 14:58
| Why were you getting the test there? You may start leaning the English course as a beginner to use it for helping your students. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 15:04
| Цитата:
Шо вы там курите? Ничего я там не делаю- меня сразу не пустили. Я просто хотела посмотреть, что там есть такого, чтоб сделать этот сайт сто пятым. Надо оставаться в одной, максимум, в двух системах, но хорошенько их проработать. Что толку от еще одного, если грамматика и лексика на низком уровне? Количество в качество? | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 15:09
| Would you please to give your advice about the best system which on the first or second place in your list? | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 15:42
14-Шапокляк > I'll appreciate you if you impress your opinion about vocabulary from this lesson. Are these phrases alive in contemporary spoken English language? Does Isabel have a laboratory? У Изабел есть лаборатория? No, she doesn't. But she has fitted up a laboratory in her house. Нет, она оборудовала лабораторию в своем доме. 4 Did your son make this model ship himself? Ваш сын сам собрал модель корабля? Yes, he spent a couple of days fitting all the pieces together. Да, он потратил пару дней на то, чтобы собрать все части вместе. Did the boys make this model tank themselves? Мальчики сами собрали модель танка? Yes, they spent a couple of days fitting all the p ieces together. Да, они потратили пару дней на то, чтобы собрать все части вместе. 3 How will you get there? Как вы доберетесь туда? I will come in your car if you can fit me in. Я приеду в вашей машине, если у вас будет место для меня.Я приеду в вашей машине, если у вас будет место для меня. How will Molly get there? Как Молли доберется туда? She will come in your car if you can fit her in. Она приедет в вашей машине, если у вас будет место для нее. 2 Jon and I were very rude yesterday, weren't we? Джон и я были очень грубы вчера, да? You were. And your rudeness fits in with what I've always thought of you and him. Ты был груб. Твоя грубость подтверждает то, что я о тебе и о нем всегда думала. 1 So, what went wrong with your work in the bank? Итак, что не сложилось с работой в банке? I somehow didn't fit in with the team so I left and found another job. Я как-то не вписался в команду, так что я ушел и нашел другую работу. Отредактировано Ахулита; 28.04.2017 в 23:14. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 19:53
| 15-Человече >I have no clue | | |
Модератор 18
- 28.04.2017 - 23:08
16-Человече >а нельзя было выбрать по одному примеру для каждого вопроса? За многоцитирование могу дать баллы.. | | |
- 28.04.2017 - 23:47
Мне важно понять пользу этого курса, т.е чтобы профессионалы оценили построение предложений. Мне самому очень нравится этот курс, но я хотел бы услышать мнение тех, кто общается в среде носителей языка. Т.е здесь используются живые разговорные фразы или нет. Т.е говорят ли так? Я скопировал все задание одного из пройденных сегодня уроков. Разнообразие, т.к там идет спряжение и склонение по числам и родам и лицам. | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 00:00
| I'll comeback here in four days. Have nice weekends everyone! | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 10:31
Смею)) заметить, что comeback- это существительное. Вот мы злыдни- автор снизошел до русского языка, который, как он требовал, не должен раздражать егойное зрение))))) Повеселили с weekends)))))))) | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 11:13
| I will сome back soon | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 12:29
| "I'll be back" - классика... короче... | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 17:29
Кстати, вот тут спрашивают мнение о тех или иных курсах. Ткнулась в пару сайтов- там нужно оплата. Не то, чтоб хотела выразить (express!!!!!) мнение, а просто глянуть. Не пропускают. Но мне не нужно)) | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 17:56
| I asked about expressions which I wrote from one of the exercise. By the way learnathome.ru has a demo lesson without any payment and also it has free basic options too. Payment subscription is for only extra options. | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 18:27
| 25-Человече > | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 19:00
I meant in your list as you said it before, not mine. And I asked you to impress your opinion about phrases or sentences from my post. | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 19:33
| I don't each ESL, just sometimes. So no "list". | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 19:39
| teach | | |
- 29.04.2017 - 20:40
| OK. I see. Good luck, then. | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 11:59
| sorry, I am not in. I'm out for a weekend. But I'll be back soon. | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 12:32
Well, well, well. The world is smaller than we thought ) I saw this text at some site. So, as far as I understand you are Stan513388, right? By the way, Olexsa (the person you wrote this message) is a Russian, so there was no need to write in English, you can use Russian then (considering the fact that the conversation was in Russian), given that you have difficulty with it and ask to check your text here =) | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 13:13
I try to use English as much as I can, and I dream to use English as much as possible. So, I prefer don't use Russian than less than better. I want to change my mind from Russian to English. I count in English the change in the shop etc. My English practice isn't enough to use it correctly but I work hard with my English every day. | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 13:23
32-Iсеbеrg > by the way, I didn't write there for only one person, I wrote for everyone from this thread. And I prefer to communicate only in English in English learning sites. | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 13:25
So, In the future I dream don't use Russian at all, because, I'm going to have deal with native English speaking people around me. And I like English more than Russian. So I dream to know it better and use easy, confidently and fluently. | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 15:20
32-Iсеbеrg >спалили вы нашего героя)))) гугл выдает все его "выступления". С интересом))) почитала его "выводы" насчет pretty\ beautiful, особенно о соответствиях в русском. ![]() | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 16:35
| So, you're going to immigrate, are you? | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 16:48
| Maybe...God knows, not me. As He wish. | | |
- 30.04.2017 - 17:34
| 36-Шапокляк > Я и не думал "палить" Человече, я даже не думал, что смущу его настолько, что он сменит картинку профиля, т.к. текст своего сообщения он выложил здесь в открытом источнике. | |
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