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English Practice - Говорят ли они так?

0 - 27.03.2016 - 12:41
Общаюсь с несколькими иностранцами из США и Великобритании, буду публиковать сюда вопросы и ответы на них. Буду признателен за дополнительное обсуждение.

1. Question: I'd like to know if you speak so or not? - he did badly at school
1. Answer: that is right
2. Question: Tom speaks English to his grandparents or with his grandparents.
2. Answer: both are ok to use, but "with his grandparents" is better
3. Question: "Margarita was in first place. But Golden Dragon was in second place!"
Why not in the first place and in the second place? I didn't see the definite articles before ordinal numerals.
3. Answer: when it comes to that we dont use "the" its there in our minds but we just dont use the word in those cases

1 - 27.03.2016 - 13:17
Сообщение от Человече Посмотреть сообщение
2. Question: Tom speaks English to his grandparents or with his grandparents.
Да, оба варианта считаются допустимыми, что было установлено еще в Одессе:
Я имею ему кое-что сказать.
Я имею до него кое-что сказать.

Сообщение от Человече Посмотреть сообщение
I didn't see the definite articles before ordinal numerals.
Это тенденция многими слушателями оценивается куда более позитивно, чем обратная тенденция, имеющая место на обширном пространстве Евразии, когда через каждое слово вставляются краткие однообразные звукосочетания:

ВМФ РФ - краса и гордость Шойгу!
2 - 27.03.2016 - 15:27
- The two horses crossed the finishing line together. Which horse had won? Why is the Past Perfect here?

- because the race is over
- Oh, how it's difficult. I understand it: Which horse had won before end racing (one action before end of time of another action)
- so do i and i am native english ;) so dont worry about it mistakes are allowed :)
3 - 27.03.2016 - 15:30
The US native speaker:
- "He did not do well in school" and "Tom speak English with his grandparents" would be more natural sentences.
4 - 27.03.2016 - 15:34
The UK native speaker:
- "so dont worry about making mistakes as we make plenty"
5 - 27.03.2016 - 20:56
Сообщение от Человече Посмотреть сообщение
Oh, how it's difficult
а так говорить правильно?
6 - 27.03.2016 - 23:03
How difficult it is! - if you want so :)
7 - 27.03.2016 - 23:05
it's big; it's nice; it's difficult. Expression word - How. How it's difficult! or how difficult it is!
8 - 27.03.2016 - 23:13
Сообщение от Человече Посмотреть сообщение
it's big; it's nice; it's difficult. Expression word - How. How it's difficult! or how difficult it is!
это вы откуда-то процитировали?
я бы просто засомневалась, еще пытаясь это сказать, и сказала бы, что Oh, it's sooooo difficult! :)
9 - 28.03.2016 - 19:50
Сообщение от Человече Посмотреть сообщение
How difficult it is! - if you want so :)
Это - перевод "в лоб" русского выражения, полагаю. Уважаемая Ахулита права.
10 - 02.05.2016 - 23:57
Как сказать по-английски "Я вас понял!" I understanded? I did understand?
11 - 03.05.2016 - 05:18
I understood or I got you
12 - 03.05.2016 - 22:34
I see. Или, там - Clear.
13 - 11.05.2016 - 16:12
11-Шапокляк >+ roger
14 - 24.08.2016 - 04:59
10 - got it
15 - 22.09.2016 - 13:25
0-Человече > Вы меня поражаете, очевидные вещи спрашиваете, это всё в интернете можно узнать и там вам всё подробно подано на блюдечке. If "badly" is referring to an action verb then you can use it in other cases like "feel","look" for instance you should use "bad" instead. So for instance: "He drove badly (not bad) yesterday. I think he was tired." and "I feel bad (not badly) about what I did there."

Generally: Speak to - means a one-way communication. Speak with - means "to have a dialogue". "You speak to the people" means you give a speech. "You speak with the people" means you talk to them and they answer.
On the other hand in America most native speakers use "to" for both cases. Speak to - sometimes means "to reach an agreement". Like "I spoke to the teacher. He let you stay at home tomorrow."

And another rule.
Speak to + countable noun/pronoun
e. g. You should speak to the headmaster.
Speak with + uncountable noun
e. g. You should speak with confidence.

Loss of articles is a popular topic too. Like: "He was in (the) second grade when we first met", "They went to (The) Timber bar yesterday", "I've got (a) hand full of pebbles. Do you want some?", "Maybe some day (the) people of New York will remember me".

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